Upon the birth of a child, an employee is entitled to parental leave. In order to keep track of this in the app, a few things need to be set up.
Below, we will first explain how to create a new leave balance for parental leave. Then we will explain how to set up a matching mutation type and how to add hours to the new leave balance with a balance mutation. Finally, we explain how to create a new leave type that the employee can use to take parental leave.
Creating a new leave balance
To see how much parental leave an employee has, you need to create a new leave balance. You do this by going through the following steps:
Go to Settings - Balance types and click on Add leave balance in the upper right corner;
Enter the name "Parental leave";
Uncheck Balance is accrued automatically, as you will be adding the total number of hours an employee is entitled to manually with a balance mutation later;
Check Balance expires automatically, because parental leave expires 8 years (96 months) after the day of accrual.
Enter Hours expire "96" months after "the month of accrual";
Save the new leave balance.
From now on, the new leave balance can be turned on or off per employee by clicking on the correct employee via Employees and then on Edit - Edit personal data. Here, you can check or uncheck the leave balance.
Creating a matching mutation type
In order to add the parental leave to the new leave balance, a new mutation type needs to be created:
Go to Settings - Request types;
Click on Add new request type - Add mutation type at the top right;
Under Affects Balance, choose Added to Parental Leave.
Adding parental leave with a balance mutation
When an employee is entitled to parental leave, leave hours must be added to his or her parental leave balance with a balance mutation. To do this, use the new mutation type.
The number of leave hours to be added depends on the number of contracted hours (26 x number of working hours per week).
Creating a new leave type
A new leave type must also be created so that employees can request leave using their hours from their parental leave balance:
Again, go to Settings - Request types;
Click on Add new request type - Add leave type;
Under Affects Balance, choose Subtracted from Parental Leave;
Click on View advanced settings;
Check Stop accrual of leave during absence, because during parental leave, the employee does not accrue vacation hours.