Besides statutory leave that is accrued by an employee, there is a range of other hours (like study hours, overtime, etc.) that can be build up either periodically or by registration. To keep an overview on all these balances, Rework gives you the option to configure these balances for the whole team and per employee.
Adding a new balance setting
Through balance settings you can add a balance with its own accrual and expiration settings. This is done in the following way:
Log into your admin account and go to settings > balance settings;
Click on add balance settings;
Think up a name for this balance setting, understandable for your employees. Dutch and German translations are optional;
Choose whether the balance is accrued automatically. And if so, how many hours are accrued each month, quarter or year;
Choose whether the accrued hours expire. And if so, if they will expire the same year of accrual or how many months after the year of accrual;
Click on save to add the new balance setting.
For employees to make use of the new balance setting, new request types should be added which will subtract hours from or add hours to the new balance setting.
Editing a balance setting
An existing balance setting can also be edited. This is usually done when there are changes in collective labor agreements or new agreements between employee and employer.
Caution! If there are new expiration rules that should not be applied retroactively, a new balance setting must be created.
Log into your admin account and go to settings > balance settings;
Click on the three black dots next to the balance setting that you want to adjust;
Click on change in case you want to edit the balance settings; click on delete in case you want to delete the balance setting (a balance setting can only be deleted when there are no existing requests which affect this balance settings);
When changing the balance setting, you can change the name, the number of hours accrued and the frequency of accrual;
Click on save to apply the made changes.
Expiration settings for the combined statutory leave and extra-statutory leave (Dutch accounts) can not be changed by users. Send an e-mail with this request to, we will gladly adjust this for you.